
Look for the Best of Omega 3 Utility

Omega 3s is essential fatty acids, essential for cardiovascular health and favorable to a good psychological balance. However, the average intake of omega 3 in France is insufficient, far from covering the recommended intake.Here are the keys to filling up with omega 3 , through your diet or through possible supplementation.

Focus on omega 3s and their benefits

Omega 3s, like omega 6s, is so-called essential fatty acids that the body is unable to manufacture. Therefore, they must be brought to us through our diet. You can choose 오메가3 for the best use.


ALA is provided by foods of plant origin.

DHA and EPA are supplied by foods of marine animal origin, fish or crustaceans that have absorbed the ALA from plankton to synthesize it into DHA and EPA.

The benefits of omega 3

In addition, a diet rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids decreases the risk of developing Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis (inflammatory bowel disease),

They participate:

  • The preservation of emotional balance and the prevention of depression
  • Prevention of inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases
  • Prevention of AMD
  • The proper functioning of the immune system.
  • Omega 3s could play a role in cancer prevention .

Evaluate your omega 3 needs

Recommended nutritional intake (ANC) of omega 3

In 2010, the national agency responsible for food, environmental and occupational health safety (ANSES) revised its recommendations upwards and now recommends contributions of:

  • 2 to 2.5 g / day of ALA (2 g for women, 2.5 g for men).
  • 500 mg / day of EPA + DHA.
  • A frequent deficiency in omega 3

ANSES believes that:

The average contribution of ALA in France is insufficient, far from covering the ANC.EPA and DHA intakes are more difficult to assess, but certainly insufficient, due to the relatively low consumption of marine products.

A bad balance between omega 6 and omega 3

For the proper functioning of the body and good cardiovascular health, it is not only the total intake of omega 3 that is important, but also the ratio between omega 6 and omega 3.Ideally, we should consume 4 to 5 times more omega 6 than omega 3. However, we consume on average 10 times more.Omega 6s are found in particular in meat and sunflower oil.

Eat plant-based foods high in ALA

Consume colza, walnut, soybean, hemp or flaxseed oils very regularly: 1 tablespoon per day meets your ALA needs.

Note: rapeseed oil is rather reserved for seasonings and marinades, as it takes on an unpleasant taste when cooked. Linseed oil is unsuitable for cooking and does not keep well; keep it in the refrigerator, away from light and heat.Eat nuts and incidentally cashews, pistachios and hazelnuts.

Consume flax seeds:

Buy whole flax seeds, to grind them as and when needed (using a spice grinder, herb chopper or mortar).Incorporate them into your salads, cereals, compotes, or into the breadcrumbs you use to bread meats and fish.Consume certain green vegetables regularly: lamb’s lettuce, cabbage, watercress, spinach, lettuce and arugula provide an interesting supplement in omega 3.

Consume foods of marine animal origin, a unique source of DHA and EPA

Eat fatty, fresh or canned fish (mackerel, sardines, salmon, tuna or herring) once a week: 80 g of salmon or 100 g of tuna provide the recommended intake of EPA and DHA.You can also eat red mullet, halibut and northern shrimp (much richer in omega 3 than farmed shrimp imported from Asia).

Eat foods enriched with omega 3 if necessary

Not all foods fortified with omega 3 are equally interesting.