
Why and How to Use Octane Oil

Brain Octane Oil aka MCT Oil is the world’s most versatile supplement that you can use when it comes to adding high-quality fats to your diet. MCT is the abbreviation of Medium Chain Triglycerides, which are the natural fatty acids that exist in coconut oil. Our bodies help to convert MCTs into molecules so that there would be less fat and cravings for food within our body and a boost in our brain. 

But, if you don’t have any idea how to use the octane oil, the chances are that you would never be able to boast the advantages of it. Today we are going to demonstrate the best ways so that you can use the brain octane oil. Keep in mind that, when you are only starting out with the oil, it is better to take only one teaspoon of the oil at the initial stage. Gradually, you can increase the spoons and start consuming more. To get the best brain octane oil, go to this link:

1. A Mouthwatering Salad Dressing

Generally, bottled dressings are made with preservatives, sugar, and franken-oils. Sometimes we prefer having our own salad dressing and brain octane oil is a good one to go. Use the octane oil to include a mouth feel flavor to your salad or any other dressing recipes. The most significant thing about his oil is, it can give you the ketone boosts that you crave for. 

2. Some Compound Butter

If you love having compound butter oftentimes, brain octane oil can come in handy for you. You can make the compound butter with the oil by taking ¾ cup f the oil with 1 cup of grass-fed butter. It can bring a different yet delicious flavor to your food. You should surely try this out. 

3. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is not adjustable within a few blinks of eyes. You have to adjust your body with the fasting at the initial stage. When you stop providing food to your body, the hunger alarms start to the bell. That can be really daunting at times. To help get through the fast, it is recommended to use brain octane oil. As this oil helps to stop the hunger bells, you can help yourself focused and as you is not being hungry. 

4. Boost Your Workout

Brain octane oil is a great oil for athletes who workout daily. Losing weight with a workout plan is not so easy for everyone. People get bored and exhausted at times. MCT oil helps an individual to empower his body and mind as it provides with the ketones to the body. Ketones are the ultimate substance that keeps our body and mind energetic. 

Having brain octane oil helps with a lot of benefits. You only have to take it in the right way so that you can make the best out of your consumption. If this oil is not available in the local stores, you can find it in online shops. Get a trusted shop on the internet and purchase one and start using the oil in the ways that are mentioned above.