
Cannabis Delivery Should Stay After COVID-19 Goes

Our world changed considerably with Covid-19. The American cannabis industry also changed in many ways as a result of the need to socially distance. There are many facilities that had to close up and a series of storefronts that were responsible for finding new ways to share their wellness products. 

Delivery was not an option in all states under the medical cannabis program but with many people in isolation, emergency changes were made to allow medical cannabis delivery and recreational marijuana as an essential service. 

There were only a few states offering regular recreational cannabis delivery as well as medical marijuana delivery. Cities and municipalities had delivery legalized temporarily and many people are considering that the process will be likely to continue after COVID isolation is complete. 

Delivery is something that needs to stay even when we return to normal:

It helps protect revenue for the cannabis industry, it works to assist patients and it can add convenience to accessing the product. 

Cannabis delivery is in a state of emergency powers, but it remains ADA complaint and it is also a system that is working well. As many storefronts are able to demonstrate that they can offer quality delivery services, this can indicate to many that the delivery system is a program that is highly beneficial. With these alternative programs in place, we can see how the system works and if patients and individuals can see ongoing benefits from access.

Early statistics on cannabis delivery are showing promising results and many people are using this as their primary method to access cannabis. It is a highly useful tool for purchasing cannabis products and it stands as an excellent solution for convenience.

If you are interested in enjoying cannabis delivery services, be sure to try it. We are a team that strongly advocates for its use after COVID-19 as well. 

This post was written by Flo Sugyatno, operations manager of LOCAL’d and cannabis expert. LOCAL’d is a helping hand to the companies that strengthen your community in the Washington, DC area. Helping them to grow through financial and promotional support, LOCAL’d is a Washington DC weed delivery service!