For many generations, acupuncture needles are now utilising. Most acupuncture began with less contemporary materials like bones, sticks, and bamboo. With modern technologies, acupuncture needles have progressed.
The latest syringes are tiny, filiform (without a hole in the shaft) medical steel needles that arrive in sterile packets. They are between 30 and 40 gauge thick, which is the diameter of a strand. DongBang DB100 varies in length from roughly 0.5 inches to 4-5 inches and often utilises 0.5-1.5 inches in the clinic. The treasured product of DongBang is the Korean needles at an incredible price.
Are acupuncture needles painful?
Most of the patients believe that acupuncture is relaxing. They recognise that everyone’s sensitivity is unique. Most individuals would answer no and that you can’t particularly feel them. Acupuncture, on the other hand, is connected with a wide range of feelings. Some individuals can feel the “Qi,” while others cannot, which is OK.
However, DongBang DB100 are improved responsiveness and control during insertion and manipulation and a higher level of ease for your patients due to smooth insertion. Because of its medical-grade substance and excellent dependability, this product is one of the most famous stainless steel acupuncture needles.
Korean needles feature spring grips rather than loops, and the handle is fine stainless steel wire tightly twisted. This kind and substance are suitable for electroacupuncture and moxibustion treatments because of its Korean-style grip.
Maintain control.
Each needle comes with its guide tube, which allows you to accurately manage the amount of syringe you utilise rather than exposing extra syringes to infection. Additionally, it’s easy to direct the needle to the correct location using a silicone-coated tip.
The effects of acupuncture needles on healing
Using dry needling is inserting a thin needle between trigger points, muscles, tendons, joints, and nerves to provoke a biochemical reaction in the brain that releases trigger points and improves the body’s sense of pain location and severity. Dry needling is both safe and efficient in the treatment of pain and the improvement of function. Furthermore, dry needling can help with a range of musculoskeletal issues, including:
- Osteoarthritis of the knee
- Headaches
- Neck and back discomfort
- Tendinitis
- Spasms of the muscles
- Sciatica discomfort
- Hip and knee discomfort
- Strains in the muscles
- Fibromyalgia
- Tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow
- Plantar Fasciitis
What to expect
The acupuncturist will check and analyse a person’s condition before inserting one or more thin, sterile needles. Acupuncturists can utilise DB10 single-use, disposable, sterilised needles. Individuals may feel a brief stinging or tingling feeling after inserting a syringe.
Typically, the syringes will remain in place for 20-60 minutes, depending on the operation. In some techniques, the acupuncturist occasionally heats the needles after inserting them.
A person’s condition determines the number of treatments necessary. A person suffering from a chronic illness may need one or two treatments weekly for several months. After 8-12 sessions, an acute health condition generally improves.