
Dermal Fillers, What You Should Know

Were you looking into different fillers that could enhance your beauty? Well, you must have come across dermal fillers, as they are made from a natural substance that can be injected into your skin, to make certain facial features more prominent.

If you are interested in dermal fillers, you need to learn more about the procedure first. You can check out the best dermal fillers Sydney at Lumiere Beauty Clinic or you talk to your local doctor instead. Schedule a consultation with your surgeon is important!


Dermal fillers can make a big difference

Hyaluronic fillers

Dermal fillers will most often use the Hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance that is already in our bodies. The higher concentration can be found in connective soft tissues, but it can also be found in the joint and cartilage fluids, as well skin tissue.

This is very important for the elasticity and hydration of our skin, since as we age, our skin will start to dry up and lose its elasticity. This will result in wrinkles and saggy skin, but thanks to hyaluronic fillers, you can make your skin look much better.

These fillers were used for the first time in 2003, and since then there were many clinical studies that have proven just how effective they are. They have been used successfully for over a decade, and they are known to give amazing results.

The results

You should know that the dermal fillers are not designed to give you permanent results. With only one injection, your skin can already look plump and smooth, but the results will last for several months or longer. This is something your doctor will discuss with you before the actual procedure.

They are not visible

Many have seen the horror stories, where celebrities overdo it with the fillers, and it is obvious that they have had stuff done. Well, that is not always the case, because it depends on the outcome you were hoping to achieve instead. Make sure to talk to your doctor about this, and keep your desires grounded. This is why it is also important that you find a good doctor to do the procedure.

When the dermal fillers are done right, the outcome will be invisible yet visible. There are other procedures you can consider as well, such as the expert thread face lift in Sydney by Lumiere Beauty Clinic. But make sure to find a good surgeon to perform the procedure, if you want to be left with amazing results! A good consultation can lead to great results, so do your research.


Consider other procedures

Final word

There are many things to be considered, which is why having a consultation is very important. Of course, you need to do your homework and find a reputable clinic with great doctors and many satisfied patients. It does matter who does the procedure for you, because the outcome will only be great if your doctor has experience!