Health Care

 Eczema triggers to watch out for

It is said that skin conditions are doctors’ favourite type of diseases because there is no death involved and it cannot be completely cured. Do you know why that is funny? Because it’s true! Either way, the experience is not-so-enjoyable for the individual suffering from it. Today, let’s take a look at one such very exasperating skin disorder: Eczema!

What triggers it?

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a common skin condition that causes inflamed and itchy patches on the skin. It is more common in infants and children and usually appears on the face, inside the elbows and behind the knees. Rashes could even cover most of the body in this case

There are many triggers of eczema. Doctors do not exactly know the primary eczema causes but the popular consensus says it is an amalgamation of certain factors that include genetics, environmental aspects, abnormal immune system, activities that may result in sensitive skin and skin defects that allows the germs in and moisture out. 

Other things that may irritate the skin include harsh soaps, perfumes, makeup, dust and sand, chlorine, cigarette smoke, hot water when taking a bath, wet wipes/baby wipes as they may contain ingredients that may trigger eczema, hot and humid weather, cold and dry weather, excessive sweating, thick fabric, stress and much more. Avoiding or anticipating these triggers can minimize eczema flares. 

What should we be looking at?

The symptoms of atopic eczema may vary depending on the age of the person. Rashes in adults can be scalier than those in children and could lead to an infection. The effect of this disease depends on a person’s exposure to potential triggers mentioned above. It also depends on how much someone scratches as scratching and rubbing will worsen the condition. 

Diagnosis will be done by your doctor by examining your skin and reviewing your medical history. The doctor might even do a patch test and some other tests to rule out other skin conditions or identify conditions that could be associated with eczema. If you think certain food caused your child’s rash, tell your doctor about it and ask him to identify potential food allergies.

Conventional treatment

More often than not your doctor will prescribe corticosteroid creams or ointments for eczema treatment. These creams need to be applied with care because they could potentially present side effects by aggravating the eczema symptoms instead of curing it. The patient might be prescribed certain oral antibiotics to treat an infection. There are also oral corticosteroids one could opt for in order to reduce inflammation. Of course, they too might come with their side effects such as the risk of diabetes, skin thinning, glaucoma, weight gain, hypertension among others. Weighing different options and coming up with the right solution can be a tough task. But it is always advised to go with a method that is not only beneficial but also possess minimal or no side-effects at all – Homeopathy!!

Homeopathic treatment in eczema

Homeopathic treatment in eczema is the best option available out there. There are many conditions that could accompany eczema. In homeopathy, a patient’s genetic history and past/present surroundings are being thoroughly checked before handing off a prescription. Based on the findings, customized remedies are prescribed. Eczema is treated by giving an individual the “right medicine” as opposed to the “best medicine”. Homeopathy aims at killing off the starting point of any condition along with relieving a patient from its symptoms. If you want the best result without any time constraint, then, by all means, go for homeopathy.

Bottom line

Eczema can absolutely be treated. Consumption of a homeopathic medicine for eczema has brought smiles to all those victims who have shown trust in the homeopathic approach. It just requires a little fortitude on your part.