Plastic surgery

How To Keep Your Tummy Flat After Surgery With A Tummy Tuck Diet?

After a weight loss surgery, there might be an excess of skin left behind around the midsection. The tummy tuck diet is mainly done so that it can complement your new body shape. The tummy tuck is a great way to get the slim figure that you are aiming for post-operation. This will indeed help in boosting your confidence.

The tummy tuck can also be practised post-liposuction to remove off the remnant fat so that you have a much better result. A healthy lifestyle with a good diet will make sure that you receive a good result. After the tummy tuck diet, you will be able to attain the figure that you have been craving for. There is a significant deal of healing and recovery to be done. In this article, we will discuss what to eat after tummy tuckin detail in order to attain your dream figure:

What to eat after tummy tuck surgery?

Here is what you have to eat after your tummy tuck surgery:

  • Hydration

Dehydration is a significant issue after the procedure and must be avoided. Most patients suffer nausea after the procedure and avoid drinking water, but this must not be done.

  • Protein

Make sure to eat protein from products like egg, meat, beans and yoghurt. This is essential in your recovery process and helps after the tummy tuck surgery.

  • Vitamins

Vitamin A and Vitamin C will help in preventing infection. Vitamin A can be found in eggs and cod liver oil, whereas Vitamin C can be found in citrus, strawberries and leafy greens. Arnica and Bromelain minerals also help in decreasing inflammation; this reduces the bruises around the incision.

  • Zinc

Zinc can be found in grains, nuts and various types of meats. This helps in the rejuvenation of new cells in the body and thereby enhances recovery.

Here are the types of foods you should avoid after a tummy tuck procedure:

  • Salt

The consumption of too much salt makes you feel bloated, and that is something you should avoid when you have a done a tummy tuck.

  • Soda

Sugary carbonated drinks must be avoided as they can cause bloating and gas which is terrible for a person who just had a tummy tuck in las vegas.

  • Alcohol

This thins your blood and makes your body have a more significant strain for healing, so it must be avoided.

Hence, when you think about getting a tummy tuck in las vegas,make sure that you follow the right diet after the procedure to have a good result.