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Know more about Tamoxifen Australia

Fight back against cancer with Tamoxifen Australia 

Nearly 1 in 7 women in Australia get diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. The mind blowing statistics suggest that breast cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer in women. A staggering 53 women get diagnosed with breast cancer everyday in Australia. Provided the high rate of diagnosis, one would expect the survival rate to be high as well. However, that is not the case. Breast cancer claims the lives of 14% of women that are diagnosed with cancer in Australia. On top of that, young females who get diagnosed with cancer have an even less rate of survival. 

What causes breast cancer?

Breast cancer is often hereditary and is carried on with the genes from one generation to another. Our cells have normal genes in DNA that are responsible for expressing a lot of characters in our body. Sometimes, due to a phenomenon known as mutation, the structure of the genes is altered. These altered genes can cause the cells in the breasts to grow abnormally.

As a result of the altered genes, the cells in the breast continue to divide without stopping. The abnormal growth often leads to the formation of a lumpy mass of cells called a tumor. These abnormal cells will then spread to the other parts of the breast or to distant parts through the lymph nodes. 

There are many other factors that can also result in breast cancer. Some factors like hormones, environment, and lifestyle choices also have a role to play in long-term development of breast cancer. However, there are also several cases where women who have no history or risk of the disease get it at some point of their life. 

Types of breast cancer

There are mainly four types of breast cancers. These are classified on the basis of how they spread to different parts of the body and also their places of origin within the breast. 

  • Ductal carcinoma in situ

This is a non-invasive cancer type. It originates in the lining of the milk ducts and usually does not spread to other parts.


  • Invasive ductal carcinoma

The cancer cells in this type of cancer originate in the milk ducts of the breast. From there, the cancer cells spread to different parts of the breast. 


  • Inflammatory breast cancer

It is an aggressive and fast-proliferating cancer in which the cancer cells grow rapidly. These cells can pass through the lymph vessels and spread to other areas of the body.


  • Metastatic breast cancer

This is also known as the stage four breast cancer. In this condition, the cancerous cells have already spread to the rest parts of the body like lungs, liver, bones, and in some cases even the brain. 

Symptoms of breast cancer

The onset of breast cancer can bring many changes in the breast area which can serve as an indicator of the disease. Here are the most common symptoms of breast cancer.

  • An unusual growth on the skin. It could be a lumpy mass that was not there before.
  • Changes in the shape and size of the breast.
  • Structural changes in the nipples that are unusual.
  • Redness of the skin around the breast.

If you witness any of these symptoms, consulting the doctor at the earliest can help in early diagnosis of the disease.

Cure for breast cancer and risk reduction

After getting diagnosed with breast cancer, many people think that it is the end of the world. However, modern drugs and medications have made it possible to find a cure for breast cancer if diagnosed at the right time. 

Regular checkups with your doctor will help you identify which medication is right for you. You can work out different therapies to find out which one will suit your body. These are the two most common risk reduction and curing techniques used by women. 

  • Medications and chemotherapy

Once diagnosed with breast cancer, women can choose to undergo chemotherapy to destroy the cancerous cells and prevent them from recurring. Medications like Tamoxifen are widely used to cure cancer. Use of Tamoxifen Australia is still at premature stages and a lot of research work is going on. Although the medications have several side effects, using them can significantly benefit the people diagnosed with the disease.

  • Surgery

Women undergo surgeries to reduce the spread of cancer. Some women choose to remove their breasts in mastectomy procedures. The removal of healthy breasts in high-risk women has also known to be very effective in preventing them from getting the disease.

Clinical benefits of Tamoxifen 

Tamoxifen Australia is sold by the brand names of Novaldex and Soltamox. It is a clinically approved SERM. SERM is an acronym for Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator and is FDA approved. Tamoxifen has the following benefits:

  • It helps in reducing the occurrence of cancerous cells in breast cancer patients.
  • Women diagnosed with metastatic cancer can benefit from regulated doses of Tamoxifen.
  • Reduces the risk of breast cancer in women.

How does Tamoxifen help?

Tamoxifen Australia helps in treating hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. It is the best choice for mature women who are at a higher risk of getting metastatic breast cancer. 

This is the way in which Tamoxifen Australia can help women with breast cancer.

  • Tamoxifen works on the cancerous cells and inhibits their growth. It can reduce the recurring of breast cancer by nearly 30 to 50%. 
  • The medication can also help in reducing the developing cancer cells by about 50%.
  • Tamoxifen has also been studied under lab conditions. It was found that Tamoxifen can shrink the cancerous cells before surgery. 
  • The best known use of Tamoxifen is that it can slow down or even stop the advancement of metastatic breast cancer in hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer cases.

Side effects of taking Tamoxifen

Usage of Tamoxifen in Australia has shown certain side effects at times. These side effects include strokes, blood clots, aches, and cramps. Many people also don’t face any side effects. Thus, patients should take this medication only after being prescribed by the doctor.


The beneficial effects of Tamoxifen on cancerous cells is a major breakthrough in the treatment of breast cancer in women. Tamoxifen is a powerful drug that cannot be taken without consulting the doctor. There are many side effects of the drug, therefore patients must always consult the doctor before changing their doses or starting a new dose.