
Looking Into The Details Of CDP Choline

Those  who take an interest in neuroscience knows the importance of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the body. This particular chemical functions in several processes leading to the enhancement of the brain’s function. If you correlate this phenomenon with our day-to-day life, you will understand the vitality of this process. improved alertness, memory, and cognitive ability have always been the desire for all since it will enhance their performance in their respective field. Not all are born with the same skills, but one can certainly improve them if they take certain supplements that help them to do so. In this article, we would focus on one such nootropic supplement that serves best for the purpose.

Citicoline Sodium- what is it?

Citicoline sodium, also known as CDP choline, is well-known in the market for itsneuroprotective properties. The drug is mainly made up of two components-choline and cytidine. Choline is a precursor for the all-important neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and it also helps in augmenting the transport and release of dopamine in the brain. On the other hand, cytidine is rapidly converted to uridine.

Citicoline comes in two forms- citicoline sodium- a prescribed medication used for the treatment of neurological disorders, and free-baseciticoline, which is used as a dietary supplement.

How does citicoline function in the body?

As stated earlier, choline serves as a precursor for acetylcholine, which is required for maintaining proper brain function. This is the reason why food rich in choline is highly recommended for brain development.

Several researches have been directed to explore the role of choline in the brain. The primary involvement of choline in the brain is in the  citicoline synthesis pathway. Citicoline functions in elevating the levels of phosphatidylcholine in the brain, which is another neurotransmitter important for the normal functioning of the brain. Additionally, citicoline has been found to play a profound role in the recovery process following brain injury.

Relation of citicoline with dopamine

Dopamine is a chief neurotransmitter associated with motor neuron function, and depletion of it has been found to be associated with Parkinson’s disease. It plays a vital role in movement, habits, food preference, mood, and attention. Dopamine is released when the brain is expecting any reward of some particular behavior, and a decrease in dopamine levels can hinder cognitive performances.

One of the significant components of citicoline is DP chlorine, which triggers the release of dopamine. It functions as a dopamine agonist as well as inhibits dopamine reuptake. Additionally, uridine, formed from cytidine, promotes the growth and development of new dopamine receptors in the brain through the activation of the D1 and D2 receptor signaling pathways. This phenomenon plays a crucial role in preventing burn out of the dopamine receptors.

Diseases treated by Citicoline

Since you have understood the effects of citicoline in the brain by now, you can believe that the drug has been widely used for the treatment of different neurological disorders. Some of the commonly treated diseases include Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), and dementia. It is also involved in the treatment of age-related memory loss and glaucoma. The drug is also used for speeding the recovery process after a stroke or head injury.

These are some of the details about citicoline. If you wish to have the best nootropic choline for you, do detailed research before making a final decision.