In medicine, scientific evidence comes from experience. The original articles published on the specialized journals are nothing more than the report of structured research experiences. The third step of evidence-based medical practice concerns the judgment on the practical utility of what published. In summary, it consists in answering a series of questions:
- What is the intrinsic quality of the study and the evidence described?
- Are the results applicable to my patients and to a specific patient?
- Is transferring evidence to the individual case simple?
- Is it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the suggested procedure? The quality of the results presented in an article is highly dependent on the quality of the method followed in designing and carrying out the study.
The Best Quality
A good quality research must aim to answer one clear and important question, therefore referring to a care or clinical problem relevant and controversial. This guarantees it attention from the scientific community. For pharmaceutical empathy based selling this is important.
- The data used in the research must equally be of quality, in other words, they must be collected and organized correctly and not conditioned by interests unrelated to research itself, representative of the population in relation to the pathology studied, examined thoroughly. The study design must be consistent with the question the research aims at give an answer, wishing to focus on the efficacy of a molecule in the therapy of one given pathology the type of elective study will be a controlled trial randomized, instead we will choose an observational analytical study as a case study-control to understand the factors that motivate the choice of a particular strategy rehabilitation than another.
What the Relevance Is
- The relevance of the results obtained is one of the fundamental elements, the breadth of the sample analyzed, the statistical significance of the results obtained, the superiority of the treatment compared to the best standard therapy or placebo: these are the elements that Healthcare professionals are asked to consider to evaluate the reliability of a study clinical.
- The transferability of the study results to the setting in which the operator reader is active health can be weighed by verifying the demographic and social characteristics of the sample studied, the risk factors to which the population examined was exposed, criteria used diagnostics, the severity of the patient’s situation in relation to the clinical spectrum the disease, the stage in which the pathology was studied, the accessibility of tools diagnostics and therapies used, the presence or absence of other concomitant pathologies(comorbidities), the experience and skills of the health professionals who carried out the Research.
Integrate the critical evaluation of the evidence with one’s own experience clinical and with the biological characteristics and preferences expressed by patients the attitude of health professionals to establish a good relationship with people who do turn is a factor of critical importance. It should be passed on to operators in the course of their training and then developed and maintained in professional life.
But the users are often dissatisfied with the respect, availability and communication shown in theirs comparisons and there are indications of a decline in students’ natural empathy towards the sick during there-graduate curriculum. Although this is a central area of the quality of care, in activities educational initiatives that refer to EBM are few initiatives aimed at developing the attitude of operators to establish a positive relationship with patients.