Health Care

Tips for Managing Pain during Delivery

Labor pain differs from pregnancy to pregnancy. Women also have different pain thresholds. For some the pain resembles menstrual cramps, for others severe pressure or strong diarrheal cramps. The contractions keep on coming at regular intervals, and as time progresses there is lesser time in between them to relax.  

It goes without doubt that labor pain is one of the most severe pains ever been evaluated, and women often choose to opt for caesarean deliveries just to avoid it. In a study conducted on 288 Swedish women, 41% reported a negative experience, while in another study on Iranian women, 37.2% decided to opt for C-section, according to an article on The National Centre for Biotechnology Information

There are many factors that affect pain during delivery; age, psychological tendencies, culture and more. But one thing experts maintain is that, proper knowledge, access to sources of relaxation and supportive people around can help manage this pain a great deal more. This includes having a gynecologist who you can trust upon. Some of the best gynecologists in Delhi have years of experience in handling natural deliveries and associated complications.

Here are few tips that they think helps women to manage delivery pain.

A Soothing Birthing Environment 

Relaxing environment can work wonders to keep stress levels low during the latent phase of labor, when contractions have just started. It could be a long road ahead, which is why you need to have a room where you can stretch, walk, sleep or enjoy a warm bath. Low volume music and special furniture like low stools and squatting bars can be helpful.

Breathing Techniques 

This is why women attend birthing classes and yoga sessions. Breathing techniques are important to pass through contractions. Inhale deeply in slow rhythms, and then releasing tension through exhalation is beneficial.  Aim to take 20 to 30 quick breaths in a minute.

Move around the Room 

Changing positions, walking, rolling on a birthing ball can help the labor progress. The force of gravity will work to your advantage and with movement; the baby can change positions to move further along the birth canal. Although your movements will be restricted, try to lean over the bed, bathroom sink or take a short walk around.

Warm Bath or Shower

Bathing in warm water can help your tensed muscles relax and ease pain. You can sit on a stool under a warm shower on your back and abdomen. Be sure to check up with your doctor first, since many doctors advice against this in the early stages of labor. Alternatively, you can try warm compresses on lower back, lower abdomen, shoulders and groin.

Pain Medications 

Many women prefer to avoid them, going the absolute natural way. But, know that if the pain becomes too much to handle, you do have options. There are various analgesics that can be administered in muscles or through IV drip. Epidurals are local anesthesia, which helps to numb pain sensation in the lower body. This is directly injected into the spinal cord, and the amount of medicine being injected is controllable. The risk to the baby is minimal. 

Be sure to consult with the best gynecologist in Delhi to know of any risks from such medications you might have. Many women do have allergies and previous history of pregnancy complications from anesthesia.

They don’t call it labor just like that. Childbirth is a difficult and exhausting process, but with proper preparation things can become easier. Try to get plenty of exercise in months leading to labor; if your doctor approves it. This builds endurance and stamina to withstand labor pain. It also helps muscles to develop strength.