
Colonia Files — Common Car Accident Injuries And Overcoming Them

From minor injuries to deaths, car accidents can cause significant damage. Many times, when a person meets with an accident, they do not realize that they might be injured; such injuries are usually internal and not apparent until a few years later. 

Therefore, one must go for a medical even if they do not think that the injury is severe. At other times, they only feel pain and think it will be right after some time. However, such pain can be chronic and can be a sign of an underlying problem. 

Almost about thirty-five percent of people were seen getting injured or dying in the passenger seat. It is the highest percentage among other vehicle users. In a place like Colonia, heavy traffic is seen; thus, knowing the common injuries associated with car accidents can help residents stay alert. Reach out to a pain management clinic in case of a colonia auto accident and get treatment to overcome your injuries. 

Two broad categories of car accident injuries:

  • Penetrative injuries:

When an accident happens, there is a possibility that some object around your car will strike you and cause an injury. Such injuries come under penetration injuries. 

  • Impact injuries:

The injuries that result when the passenger gets thrown out of the car during the accident or hits the ground come under impact injuries. 

What are the different factors that are considered when seeking compensation?

car accident injuries

Compensation is made for lost wages, injuries sustained, damage to the vehicle, traumas, medications, etc. However, the compensation can vary depending on some factors. These are listed below: 

  • How much blame do you share for the injuries sustained:

Depending upon the fault you share in the injuries you sustained, compensation can be reduced. Every other place follows the rule of comparative negligence. Therefore, there will be some percentage of relaxation on the compensation you will receive if you are found to be at fault too.

  • Your case needs to be based on solid evidence:

The at-fault party will have to give you generous compensation if you can prove their fault with solid evidence. 

  • Settling with the amount offered by the other party or use:

Another factor is whether you receive the amount provided by the at-fault party and close the case, or you decide to take it to court. 

What are some common injuries resulting from a car accident?

  • Post-traumatic-stress-disorder: 

It is a psychological injury that can give a person trauma from the accident. Physical injuries and accidents can lead to severe depression or anxiety in the person. They might not be willing to sit in the car as a result. They are also likely to have nightmares, flashbacks of the accident, and more. Such people can seek therapy to lessen the psychological impact. 

  • Internal injuries:

These types of injuries are not visible on the inside as the internal organs are affected by them. They can include your lungs, ribs, stomach, etc. In case of an internal injury, you must get medical care immediately. There are different types of internal injuries, such as rupture in the spleen (resulting in internal bleeding), broken ribs (can cause damage to the lungs), aorta aneurysm (the stomach compresses), etc.  Some signs that might indicate internal injury can include:

  1. Blood in urine 
  2. Different bruises appear on the skin.
  3. Prolong pain in the body.
  4. Not being able to move a lot. 
  • Soft tissue injuries:

The injuries affect soft body parts like your muscles, resulting in sprains and other parts. You are likely to see bruises and experience Syrians as well. You can either sustain an injury right after the accident (acute tissue injury) or have an injury that can impact your life significantly for a long time (chronic).  You might experience pain, discomfort, problems in your back, swelling, etc. 

Seek professional help immediately!

The list of injuries is not limited to the types mentioned above; therefore, seeking help from a professional is highly important.