
First aid for fracture, dislocation, and sprain

The most common injuries of the osteoarticular system are fractures, sprains, and dislocations. There are differences between these traumatic conditions that we need to know and which we study in erste hilfe kurs pasing.

Are a dislocation and sprain the same?

Dislocation primarily affects joints and is defined as the complete loss of bone-to-joint contact (or the joint surfaces themselves to one another). In other words, bone ends or joint surfaces move concerning each other, beyond their physiological position, within the particular joint in which they are located. 

A sprain is an injury involving exceeding the physiological range of motion in a joint. As a result of twisting, the joint capsule, ligaments, articular cartilage, tendon attachments, and sometimes bone fragments may also be damaged. The difference between a sprain and a dislocation is that a sprain does not completely lose contact between the articular surfaces, as in the case of dislocation.

First aid for fractures, dislocations, and sprains

In first aid in connection with injuries such as fractures, dislocations, or sprains, the basis of our actions will be the immobilization of the limbs according to the Pott principle. Pott Principle is a definition of an algorithm for a medical treatment which is mentioned in erste hilfe führerschein:

  • In the event of a long bone fracture, immobilization should be performed covering the fractured bone and two adjacent joints.
  • In the event of an injury within a joint, immobilization must cover the joint and the two adjacent bones that make up it.

Following the Pott Principle is aimed at reducing pain, swelling, minimizing the risk of potential damage to the neurovascular bundle, reducing the risk of skin penetration by bone fragments, and causing complications in the form of an open fracture. You will gain experience and theoretical knowledge in erste hilfe kurs bayern corona.